The WintercityYXE Strategy is an intentional effort by the City of Saskatoon and community stakeholders to celebrate what makes Saskatoon unique as a four-season place that is inviting, vibrant and prosperous, even in the coldest months of the year.

Co-designing a strategy  

In March 2016, stakeholders identified the steps to developing the Strategy:

  • Building on the strength of existing assets;

  • Engaging the community in change;

  • Implementing actions; and

  • Developing the Strategy.

Building on the work completed in 2016, Community Engagement in the co-design of a Winter City Strategy for Saskatoon in January 2017 identified a number of opportunities and “quick wins” under five specific themes:

  • Improving mobility;

  • Improving facilities and infrastructure;

  • Providing more support to existing activities;

  • Introducing new events and things to do; and

  • Improving the promotion of events and activities.

 Winter City Community Working Group   

Volunteers representative of a variety of community sectors that relate to the themes of the Strategy helped the City’s Administration by guiding the plans for the Community Workshop, debriefing on the results of engagement activities to date, and will continue to meet to guide further components of the project.

 Learning from Others   

Continuing to learn from other communities has remained a theme throughout the strategy development process. We look forward the learnings that the Winter Cities Shake Up Conference and other local events, can provide for the Strategy.

More Information

For more information on the City of Saskatoon’s Winter City Strategy, visit the web page.